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Undergraduate Titles > Social Science: Homosexuality Gay Studies
LGBTQ+ Heath Concerns Sourcebook
Chambers, James
ISBN 13: 
ISBN 10: 
Social Science: Homosexuality Gay Studies
Publication Date: 
Not Yet Published
Retail Price: 
97.00 (Tentative Price May Change)
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"The LGBTQ+ community is a vibrant and diverse group of identities, encompassing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and many more. According to the 2021 American Community Survey (ACS), data regarding same-sex households in the United States revealed that there were 1.2 million same-sex couple households, with about 59 percent being married couples. Additionally, the statistics from the United States Census Bureau revealed that a larger share, 38.2 percent of LGBT respondents, reported experiencing depression for more than half of the days in a week, in comparison to the 16.1 percent non-LGBT respondents. These statistical data mentioned earlier reflect the growing recognition and acceptance of same-sex relationships in society, emphasizing the importance of understanding the mental and physical health challenges faced by this community and the urgent need to address the health disparities.LGBTQ+ Health Concerns Sourcebook, First Edition provides information about sexual orientation, gender identity, discrimination, stigma, and major health challenges for LGBTQ+, along with social determinants, reproductive health, and LGBTQ+ data and demographics. It also describes the physical health concerns of the LGBTQ+ community, including how to prevent sexually transmitted infections and address LGBTQ+ mental health challenges, along with age-specific behavioral health trends. It offers helpful information about social considerations for the LGBTQ+ community in legal, education, and employment opportunities. A glossary of terms and a directory of organizations for further help and information are also provided.Part 1: Introduction to LGBTQ+ Health describes sexual orientation and gender in children and adolescents, along with intersex health and gender identity. It also discusses the challenges faced by LGBTQ individuals, including lesbians, gay men, bisexual men and women, transgender people, and so on. It discusses

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